About Reclaim Therapy
Our Nationally Accredited Occupational Therapists work with you
to overcome obstacles which impact your independence and confidence,
enabling you to live your best life.
Whether it's getting around your community,
needing to be more comfortable in your wheelchair,
having difficulty with every day activities,
or needing better access to your home and bathroom.
We can help you reclaim your life!
We will take the time to learn what's most important to you, and will explore any challenges you may be facing.
The best thing is - we can support you virtually (telehealth) - Or come to you.
We work with....
All our therapists are nationally accredited and work with
Private Health Insurance
Care Packages
And Yes! We are NDIS registered!
We work in partnership with...
Nearly all major insurance and Care Providers accepted
We provide services to you in your home....
we can deal directly with you...
or we can work with your exisiting supports such as...
Contact / Query
"i just want to find out more, before deciding on what service fits best for me" ...
if this sounds like you, feel free to fill in the form below and we call you at a time that is convenient for your free phone consult
Opening Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00 - 4:30pm
Saturday: 8am to 1pm (by appointment)
After hours appointments available on request
We come to you....
We work in the following regions of melbourne:
South Eastern
North Eastern
Including the Yarra Valley
Statewide services for complex home modifications on consultation.
1300 577 929