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Appreciations, Feedback And Suggestions

Our purpose is to help create new life stories for and with our clients. We are passionate about being our best for our clients, and we are constantly looking to enhance what is working.


Your perspective as a service user of ours is valuable. As a service which strives to create a transformational space for each individual we work with, we want to know how you think we are doing. 


Knowing what we do well is as valuable as learning what you think we can do better in. By knowing what you think we are doing well, we know what to keep, whilst changing and improving on areas where we miss the mark. 


Sharing your thoughts on how we are doing helps us in our own ongoing transformation of being a better service for you. If it's important to you, then it's important to us - and we want to make sure your feedback makes a real difference to our client;s experience of our service.


When we receive your feedback, we will promptly respond, ensuring that your feedback is heard, and action, where appropriate is taken. In addition, all feedback (appreciations, complaints and suggestions) are discussed with the leadership team each month, logged and tracked for themes, with the action we have taken noted as well. 


Feedback could include topics such as: 


     - how our team interact with you

     - how your treatment plan has been developed or actioned

     - information received from your therapy team

     - how your therapy plan is developed and explained

     - appointment times and changes

     - how invoices are managed


To share your concerns, appreciation and thoughts with us yourself, or you could ask a trusted person in your support team to share them with us. 


There are a number of ways you can share these thoughts with us, such as


      - Directly with your therapist

      - Call 1300 577 929 and ask to speak to the team leader. 

      - Email


      -  fill in the e-form below. 


My Appreciations, Feedback and Suggestions.... 

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. We appreicate your time.

If your concern is related to your safety or the safety of someone you care for, please call 1300 577 929 and ask to speak with Janelle, or email her directly on 


If you are not happy with the way in which we manage a complaint, feel free to contact the NDIS Quality and Safeguard Commission -

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